Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Barbara Nueslein Nets Outstanding EMS Program Award

Left to right: Mary Nasuta (Nurse Coordinator for Harford County Public Schools), Sen. Donald F. Munson (District 2, Washington County), Barbara Nueslein (award winner and school nurse at Harford Glen Environmental Education Center), Del. David D. Rudolph (District 34B, Cecil County), and Sen. Barry Glassman (District 35, Harford County)Barbara Nueslein, RN recently received the Outstanding EMS Program award for her initiative in creating six “emergency take-out locations” at Harford Glen Environmental Education Center, where she is the school nurse. The Environmental Education Center, staffed and operated by Harford County’s Public School system to supplement classroom instruction, covers 360 acres and includes forests, marshes, and streams. Read more... - There's Good Stuff going on!

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