Saturday, April 2, 2011

County Executive Craig Proposes FY 2012 Budget with No Tax Increase

(Bel Air, MD) - - Harford County Executive David R. Craig has announced his proposed budget for FY 2012. The budget keeps the county property tax rate at $1.042, which for the first time in the history of the County, falls below the Constant Yield Rate.

“The FY 12 budget was crafted by adhering to sound fiscal management policies that keep the County operating within its means with no proposed increase in taxes,” stated Harford County Executive David R. Craig. “Harford County continues to weather the fiscal challenges that have plagued many local jurisdictions. The County’s approach to budgeting and fiscal management has proven itself as evidenced by last year’s attainment of a AAA Bond Rating, which saves the County millions of dollars each year in financing costs,” Craig remarked. Read more...

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