Sunday, May 16, 2010

Senior Students Present Capstone Projects at Annual Gallery Walk Event

Science and Mathematics AcademyThe Science and Mathematics Academy at Aberdeen High School (SMA) is presenting its Third Annual Gallery Walk of senior capstone projects on Tuesday, May 18, 2010. The Gallery Walk presentation features a poster display of unique scientific research projects which were conducted by SMA seniors under the mentorship of professional scientists, engineers, mathematicians and faculty advisors. Research projects cover a variety of topics in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This event showcases the culmination of four years of rigorous academic study and provides a visual insight into the fascinating world of the scientific process. The Gallery Walk is open to members of the general public and provides the opportunity to view the posters, ask questions of the students, and meet the mentors and faculty advisors. Read more... - There's Good Stuff going on!

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