Saturday, January 22, 2011

Governor O'Malley Outlines FY2012 Budget Focused on Job Creation

Maryland Governor Martin O’MalleyProposed budget closes deficit more than $1.3 billion, shrinks the size of government, reforms state pension system, putting it on a path of sustainability; Includes no tax increases for Marylanders

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley, joined by Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown and Secretary T. Eloise Foster of the Maryland Department of Budget and Management, outlined the FY 2012 budget for the State of Maryland, which closes a projected budget deficit of more than $1.3 billion, invests millions in job creating initiatives, and proposes new reforms to the state pension system, putting it on a path of sustainability. The FY12 budget brings total reductions under the O’Malley-Brown Administration to $6.6 billion and shrinks the size of government to lower levels than four years ago. Read more... - There's Good Stuff going on!

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